Nayan |

Thursday, January 9, 2020

explosion within

this feeling within
that knew no bounds,
where there was no 'I',
where there was not even
the realisation of the 
feeling of the moment,
but only the relishing
of the feel, without even knowing...

was it the people -
the faces and the forms,
the colours and the shades?
was it the food -
the variety of the tastes?
was it the get-together -
the talking, the laughter,
the sharing, and the fun?

familiarity, or first time encounter,
closeness, or just acquantance,
the time spent together on that table,
in that group this evening -
what was so special, that 
did not need even recognition,
but that pure, that unadulterated...
what was this sweetness i felt today?

of all colours, in the meanwhile,
of all the faces, of all the smiles,
was it your face and your smile?
how can i say it was, because
i was not conscious of this 
exclusiveness, but lost i was
in the explosion within,
enlarging, engulfing everything...

later, sitting in my own space, i see
what has grasped me,
from head to toe, completely,
what has left me drenched,
dripping in this enchantment.
ah! what is this mad flood
that has blown me inside out,
into this feel, infinite!

what might have begun
with a single or a limited few
feelings of proximity, has leapt into 
the limitless longing of embracing all.
i know i unknowingly 
admired you today, but this 
has now turned unstoppable
wanting to go to all!

what is this crazy rush
that seems physical, but not as well,
that is felt for few, but not just, as well,
these tearful eyes, what do they say?
such blissed out is my inside, that
it feels to me, the first time, that
to have this with everyone, everything,
is possible, this love affair!

-- nayan
2 am, thu 9th jan 2020
(still dripping in the feeling from last evening's get-together, to celebrate an occasion)

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