Nayan |

Sunday, August 25, 2024

How can one fake?

Of birth and of death,
In every breath that it takes;
Of the same friend and foe,
The stories that this mind makes;
While no two labels can gauge
The unnecessary love and hate;
Still trying the forgetful maze,
Bound to nature, bound to fate;
The life that time keeps,
Heart beats and pulse rates,
Drop by drop, away it seeps,
Over foolish pride in false stakes;
Still engaged in battles of face,
How so more, how so less,
On anger that drives away grace,
In a decorated intelligent mess;
Fast curse or boon slow,
What want would one really make?
Unthought of, too soon did it flow?
Of impatience, and a bad blow;
Humanity's sake, how can one fake?

-- nayan
Sat & Sun, 24th & 25th August 2024
11:39 pm, No-where or Now-here?

May you understand

Let my love 
Not be of the body
Nor of the mind,
Neither of emotion,
Nor of ambition...
Oh my beloved!
May you understand 
One day what I wish,
And thence you'll know
What you need to.

Whoever you may be,
Wherever you may be,
In whichever Form,
With whatever Face,
Colour and Content,
Oh my beloved!
May you discover
One day what I am,
And thence you'll find
What you are too.

Let my love
Be Without Goal,
Without Guilt,
Innocent, Unshackled,
Formless and Free...
Oh my beloved!
May you experience
One day what I cherish,
And thence you'll feel
What beats in you too.

-- nayan
Sat, 24th Aug 2024
At Now-here, In No-where 

(Image source:

Sunday, August 18, 2024

मुक्ति दीजिए प्रभु Mukti Dijiye Prabhu

हे आनंददाता,
बंधनमुक्त कीजिए प्रभु!
हे भाग्यविधाता,
मुक्ति दीजिए प्रभु!

जब आप हैं स्वयं
सत चित आनंद,
तब क्यों यह रहे
असत, बेहोश, निरानंद?

हे सत्यस्वरूप,
मिथ्या भंजन कीजिए प्रभु,
हे मायामुक्तरूप,
शाश्वत सत्य में लाइए प्रभु!

जो है मिथक,
उसे कब तक ढोए यह?
जो है नेत्र छानी,
उसे कब तक संवारे यह?

हे चिदात्मरूप,
मनभ्रम कीजिए खंडन प्रभु,
हे अंतरात्मा, अंतर्यामी,
चैतन्य का स्पर्श दीजिए प्रभु!

~ नयन,
रवि, 18 अगस्त 2024
दोपहर 1 बजे, पटना

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Redemption beyond redemption

For the one who is
Beyond redemption,
Can there be ever
A chance to mention?

The soul travels
Tired and torn
Between one world and other
Between one life and other.

Yet it keeps on repeating
The same miss that it did make,
One world ago, one life ago,
For heaven's sake, so strong the ego!

Wisdom is seldom sought
By those who dwell in pleasure.
But that which cannot stay forever,
Cannot be everlasting ever!

Moments of pain made it
From the wisdom, sway and sever,
And little did it knew that
It was a ploy, very very clever!

And badly it did get bound
To the path it chose to follow,
Thinking it was foretold in sound -
Of Light and of Shadow!

Prayer is all the wish it has got,
But pray is what it more cannot,
Its throat parched, tongue twisted,
For the lie it once committed!

And the only hope against hope old
In prayers for the unprayerly told -
Of a final goodbye for the tired soul
That has seen and renounced all goal!

Redemption is not in pleasure,
Neither knowledge, nor pride can measure,
To die unseen, unlamented, unmourn,
In happiness alone can redemption be born!

-- nayan
Wed, 7th Aug 2024
8:15 pm, near Bardhaman,
Howrah Shatabdi Express

Thursday, August 1, 2024

নবজাতকের অংকুর - Nobojatoker Onkur

বর্ষায় বাহিরের তপ্ত ধরা
যেমন ভিজে তৃপ্ত হয়ে যায়,
তেমনই বন্ধ বাহনে বসা
মানুষটির শুষ্ক অধরও 
জানালার গা বেয়ে পড়তে থাকা
জলের ধারাকে দেখে নেচে ওঠে!

বসুন্ধরা যখন নিজেকে দিয়ে দেয়
মেঘের ছায়ায়, বর্ষার আলিঙ্গনে,
তখন তার অঙ্গ অঙ্গ বেয়ে বহে
জীবনদায়িনী রসের ছোঁয়া,
আর যে সকলকে সে ধারণ করে,
সে সবই পেয়ে যায় নবজীবনের স্পর্শ!

মাটি হয়ে ওঠে সবুজ,
পুকুর ও নদী টইটুম্বুর,
গাছেরা পরিষ্কার পবিত্র,
ধরণীর লাজ হয় রক্ষা,
পশুপক্ষী হরষে হয় পুলকিত,
চারিদিকে তখন আনন্দের ফুলকি।

পৃথিবীর চৌচির বুকে জাগে
আবার করে জীবনের স্পন্দন,
আর সৃষ্টি আবার স্বাস ফেলে,
সৃজনের ছোট্ট ছোট্ট হাত ধরে
তাই আজ ফোটে নবজাতকের অংকুর,
আবার করিয়ে দিয়ে মনে, মাটিই যে মা!

-- নয়ন
বৃহস্পতি, 1 আগস্ট 2024
দুপুর 12টা, বন্দে ভারত এক্সপ্রেস,
আসানসোলের কাছে