Nayan |

Saturday, January 30, 2010


"In the material world, a person seldom hears his heart! This poem speaks out the story of such a try - that symbolises a good fight and the ultimate win of the heart over the brain!"

Excerpts from my poem "The Beginning"... [Full Poem posted at writersCafe here.]

One night, I sat on my chair
And listened to my inner choir
Oh! And wherefrom comes this cry?
So melancholy and so dry!

I feared the sound, and decided to wound
Cease the try! Stop! And freeze the cry...
The Brain thus spoke, and I did admit
For in a choir, is unwanted a cry!


The ears felt and the heart did smelt
The agonising sorrow, ’where did he borrow
Is Jailed in a circle, alike a sparrow
Heard I, a boy, with a lost tomorrow!


Give a knock! Ping a jerk!
Awake! Awake! O Sleeping Knight!
I wished I say, and I thought I told "
And I saw a light, in his eyes, glowed!


Loss of hope is trivial, perseverance grand!
Let’s find a place I can strike my stand.
All’s steel, need a hammer to settle this deal!
But behold! What’s that throbbing, red I feel?

Thus resurfaced the little Joy!
Failed finally was the cruel fate’s ploy!
Flew with the birds, over the seas in the sky!
Thus I listened to my heart and chose the future I now ply!

NAYAN (Bhaskar's)
Tuesday 1:44 AM,
12th Jan 2010
Madhapur Flat, Hyderabad

© Bhaskar Jyoti Ghosh [Google+, FB]

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